2016 WAT Team
Join our team. If you are interested in leading, being a co-lead, or working on any of the committees below, please sign up on Konstella.
WAT co-Chairs: Kristina Gibbs, Jenni Harris, Libby Shen, Loreena Lee
Auction Lead and Solicitation: Sandy Yun
Auction Catalog: Marcie Shapiro
Auction - Community Solicitations: Emily Chui, Lynn Christensen-Aden
Bake Sale:
Carnival Games: Subadra Srinivasan
Certificates: Kristina Gibbs
Check In/Check Out Leaders: Prathima Rao, Fang Liu
Class Flags:
Counters Lead: Carole Tang
Course: Bo Li
Face Painting Leader: Maia Elder-Kadar
Food Breakfast: Janet Wade
Food Lunch: Jeff Moyer
Lap Cards: Shannon Morgan
Mileage/Silly Bands: Sangeeta Ramani
Music/MC: Mike Baranov
Punchers: Annie Moyer and Marissa Levy
Refreshments/Concessions: Jing Chen and Qing Yang
Set-Up / Clean-up Leader: Jonah Troth and Mangesh Deshmukh
Sound System: Shin John Choi
Sponsorships: Rich Lee
Spotters/Squirters: Lixia Zhou
Teen Volunteer Coordinator: Shruti Iyengar
Thank You Notes:
Thank You Sponsors Sign:
Treasurer: Chuck Fraleigh
T-Shirts Distribution: Kirsten Tasker
T-Shirts Logo Contest: Sue Jacob, Archana Mishra
Water / Pretzel Leader: Kelly Smith
Website Update: Andria Xu, Eric Xu & Debby Hall
Auction Lead and Solicitation: Sandy Yun
Auction Catalog: Marcie Shapiro
Auction - Community Solicitations: Emily Chui, Lynn Christensen-Aden
Bake Sale:
Carnival Games: Subadra Srinivasan
Certificates: Kristina Gibbs
Check In/Check Out Leaders: Prathima Rao, Fang Liu
Class Flags:
Counters Lead: Carole Tang
Course: Bo Li
Face Painting Leader: Maia Elder-Kadar
Food Breakfast: Janet Wade
Food Lunch: Jeff Moyer
Lap Cards: Shannon Morgan
Mileage/Silly Bands: Sangeeta Ramani
Music/MC: Mike Baranov
Punchers: Annie Moyer and Marissa Levy
Refreshments/Concessions: Jing Chen and Qing Yang
Set-Up / Clean-up Leader: Jonah Troth and Mangesh Deshmukh
Sound System: Shin John Choi
Sponsorships: Rich Lee
Spotters/Squirters: Lixia Zhou
Teen Volunteer Coordinator: Shruti Iyengar
Thank You Notes:
Thank You Sponsors Sign:
Treasurer: Chuck Fraleigh
T-Shirts Distribution: Kirsten Tasker
T-Shirts Logo Contest: Sue Jacob, Archana Mishra
Water / Pretzel Leader: Kelly Smith
Website Update: Andria Xu, Eric Xu & Debby Hall